Senior people standing near a sports car

My Inspiration Behind Becoming a Travel Blogger

Mike's Travel Blog story starts like this. My Mother crashed her 2005 millennium yellow Hummer H2, which she bought new to replace the 2000 millennium yellow corvette coupe. As the picture shows, she inflicted some pain on her Hummer, and it needs to go to the shop for repairs.

I saw the millennium yellow corvette convertible on Craigslist the same day she sent me the Hummer photo with the "look what I did" caption. Knowing she'd need a loaner/ liked the color/ and enjoyed corvettes almost as much as I, I sent her the screenshot image with "look ma, good loaner/ investment!"

How it Began

She bought; I delivered from Spokane to Surprise, doing a systems check and enjoying the sights along the way! One picture led to another, and the thought of a travel blog emerged. The black one came next, and so the story goes. I've always been interested in Spiritual truth, and the idea of helping others along the way has always been important to me.

My Core Values

My work revolves around the core values of spiritual truth and the idea of helping others. I aim to resolve conflict through self-help and show travel's joys and life-changing experiences.

Black sport car on the road near the fields
A modern sports cars stationary on an open road